Industrial Customer DSM Opt-Out help

How much am I going to be charged?

The following table shows the charges for DSM programs by rate for customers who cannot or do not opt out. This rate is updated (at a minimum) every January and April.

The rates below are effective as of April 1, 2024.

KUGS      0.00154
 AES      0.00723
 PS, RTS, FLS, TODP, TODS, & OSL      0.00166
LG&EGS      0.00249
 PS      0.00594
 RTS, FLS, TODP, TODS, STOD & OSL      0.00077


LG&ECGS, IGS, AAGS, SGSS, & FT                     0.00158

What is the opt-out criteria? And how can industrial customers opt-out if they’re not interested in participating in your programs?

How can I obtain an opt-out form?

When is the opt-out form due?

After I opt-out, can I opt-in at a later date?