Cool weather tips

We want to help you manage your energy costs. Instead of reaching for the thermostat when it is bitterly cold outside, take a conservative approach to staying warm and keeping costs down. The following winter energy savings tips will help you save money and energy.

  • Open drapes, blinds and curtains during the day to allow the sunlight to enter and warm your home. Close them at night to prevent the chill you may feel from cold windows.
  • Weatherize your home – caulk and weather strip doors and windows that may leak air.

Adjust your thermostat down two degrees in the winter. Using a programmable thermostat can help you save up to 10% energy usage.

Properly maintain and clean your home's heating equipment.

Check and, if necessary, add insulation, especially in your attic and the exterior and basement walls or crawl spaces in your home.

Keep fireplace doors and dampers closed when the fireplace is not in use.

If using a space heater, make sure it meets the latest safety standards and carries the Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) label. Keep space heaters at least three feet from anything that can catch fire, such as drapes, bed linens and furniture.

  • Add blankets to your bed.
  • Wear warm clothing and socks and/or shoes in your home during the winter to help you feel warmer.