Business Power Service bill

Electric Usage

Read Code Definitions

Actual Read (R)

An LG&E or KU employee or contractor reads and records the meter readings in person.

Verified Read (V)

An LG&E or KU employee or contractor has re-checked the meter in person and verifies the reading on a hand-held device.

Estimated Read (E)

The reading is performed at LG&E and KU’s office, and is based on historical usage, an average from previous months or the previous year. Any over-estimation or shortfall will be adjusted on the next bill or when an actual or verified read takes place.

Self-Read (S)

In rare cases, customers can report their own meter readings to the company, but LG&E and KU will perform an actual read periodically to verify the information.

Kilowatt (kW)

A kilowatt (kW) is a metric that equals 1,000 Watts of power. Wattage, in turn, indicates how much power a device can provide over a relative amount of time.

Kilowatt Hour (kWh)

A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a measure of the total energy used over a specific period of time.

Current Usage

Note: The example above reflects rates approved by the Kentucky Public Service Commission, effective May 1, 2019 (LG&E)

Meter Multiplier

The actual voltage/current used is often too large to be registered by your meter. Therefore, a meter’s registering capacity may only represent a small percentage of your actual load. To determine the actual usage on the demand meter, the registered usage must be multiplied by the meter multiplier.


Demand (kW/kVA) is the rate at which you consume electricity, or the amount needed to power your business at any point.

Electric Charges

Minimum Billing Demand Info