Green Energy program

Join our Green Energy program to make a difference

The LG&E and KU* Green Energy program is voluntary. By participating, you are taking action to expand the generation capacity of renewable power on the regional electric grid that serves Kentucky.

Sign up now!

The Green Energy program provides an easy way for you to obtain RECs and their associated benefits, as well as show your support for renewable generators and the industry.

How to enroll

Step 1 - Choose the number of blocks that is right for you by using our Green Energy Calculator.

The Green Energy calculator will help you decide how many “blocks” to purchase per month by calculating the environmental benefit of your purchase in terms of carbon emissions reduced, at any level you choose.

Step 2 - Enroll through our online form or by calling 800-356-5467.

Step 3 - After enrolling you should see the Green Energy rider on your next bill (or the bill after, depending on billing cycle).

NOTE - A joint account can help ensure continuing benefits from your Green Energy Program participation as the makeup of your household changes over time.


Frequently asked questions and additional information.

How it works

You purchase Green Energy blocks

You purchase blocks of Green Energy each month, from LG&E and KU.

We purchase Renewable Energy Certificates on your behalf

We use the dollar value of your blocks to purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from regional energy sources like solar, wind and biomass. The REC’s are retired on your behalf. Learn more on our REC purchases page.

Help support Green Energy

You directly support the growth and long-term viability of regional renewable energy operators and the broader renewable energy industry.


LG&E Rate

Green Tariff Option #1: RECs
Customers who wish to support the development of electricity generated by Renewable Resources may contract to purchase each month a specific number of incremental blocks. All RECs purchased to support Option #1 of this tariff shall be retired by the Company on behalf of the customers.
Rate Schedules RS, RTOD-Energy, RTOD-Demand, GS, GTOD-Energy, and GTOD-Demand:
Voluntary monthly contributions of any amount in $5.00 increments
Rate Schedules PS, TODS, TODP, RTS, or FLS:
Voluntary monthly contributions of any amount in $13.00 increments
DATE EFFECTIVE: With Service Rendered
On and After July 1, 2021 (New Additions)

KU Rate

Green Tariff Option #1: RECs
Customers who wish to support the development of electricity generated by Renewable Resources may contract to purchase each month a specific number of incremental blocks. All RECs purchased to support Option #1 of this tariff shall be retired by the Company on behalf of the customers.
Rate Schedules RS, RTOD-Energy, RTOD-Demand, GS, GTOD-Energy, and GTOD-Demand:
Voluntary monthly contributions of any amount in $5.00 increments
Rate Schedules PS, TODS, TODP, RTS, or FLS:
Voluntary monthly contributions of any amount in $13.00 increments
DATE EFFECTIVE: With Service Rendered
On and After July 1, 2021 (New Additions)

ODP Rate

Green Tariff Option #1: RECs
Customers who wish to support the development of electricity generated by Renewable Resources may contract to purchase each month a specific number of incremental blocks. All RECs purchased to support Option #1 of this tariff shall be retired by Company on behalf of the customers.
Rate Schedules RS and GS:
Voluntary monthly contributions of any amount in $5.00 increments
Rate Schedules PS, TODS, TODP, or RTS:
Voluntary monthly contributions of any amount in $13.00 increments
DATE EFFECTIVE: With Service Rendered
On and After May 1, 2020

Residential & Small Commercial

(Small Green Energy $5)

GS - General Service
GTOD - General Time-of-Day
RS - Residential Service
RTOD - Residential Time-of-Day

Large Commercial & Industrial

(Large Green Energy $13)

PS - Power Service
TODS - Time-of-Day Secondary Service
TODP - Time-of-Day Primary Service
RTS - Retail Transmission Service
FLS - Fluctuating Load Service

*Unmetered / *Gas Only Customers / *RLS is Restricted Lighting Service


Minimal Cost
Zero upfront costs and no maintenance required.

Regional renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.), for customers that are unable to install it on their own property.

Additional Renewable Support
Your subscription helps renewable energy operators recover their investment more quickly, encouraging reinvestment in the renewable energy economy.

Regional Sustainability
Purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) that directly support the growth and long-term viability of regional renewable energy.

Contract Commitment

REC Purchases

Green Energy program

The Green Energy program purchases Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) on behalf of its participants. A REC represents the property rights to the environmental, social, and other non-power benefits of 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of renewable electricity generation. As renewable generators produce electricity, they have a positive impact, reducing the need for fossil fuel-based generation sources. RECs embody these positive environmental impacts and convey these benefits to the REC owner.

The pie chart shows the percentage of RECs purchased by the Green Energy program in the current year, by their associated renewable type and the state from which they were sourced. Also included is information on the historical REC resource mix, REC purchases made by the program per year, and the amount of renewable kWh each $5 and $13 block supported by month and year.

2025 REC Purchase Mix pie chart

kWh purchased per $5 Block Residential/Small Commercial

kWh purchased per $13 Block Large Commercial/Industrial

Support 100% renewables

Determine what you need to support 100% renewables, costs associated and the environmental impact. 

Business partners

Building a more sustainable future for Kentucky is a team effort. Thanks to communities, businesses and residents across the state, paired with LG&E and KU’s commitment to a sustainable future, we are proud to offer renewable energy options to our residential and business customers.  Check out the growing lists of businesses who have joined our Green Energy Program.

Platinum Partner

(1000+ blocks)



Gold Partner

(500-999 blocks)

BAE Systems Land & Armaments LP


Silver Partner

(100-499 blocks)

Arvato LLC

Aisan Industry Kentucky LLC

Daifuku Airport America Corporation

Ingersoll Rand Co.

Raytheon Technical Service

Roll Forming Corp.

Sekisui S-LEC America LLC

Schneider Electric USA

Truitt Bros.

Vacuum Depositing Inc.

Vibracoustic USA Inc.

Webasto Roof Systems Inc. US

Bronze Partner

(10-99 blocks)

Duplicator Sales & Service Inc.

HB Sealing Products Inc.

Hobart Corporation

Kentucky Derby Festival

Purem Novi Inc.


R.C. Bigelow inc.

Ross Tarrant Architects

Swift & Staley Inc.

Trane Company

Vibracoustic USA Inc.

Williams-Sonoma Inc.

This offering is part of LG&E and KU's Green Tariff.

LG&E and KU Energy LLC reserves the right to revise program requirements at any time subject to approval of the Kentucky Public Service Commission. Estimated cost information is an estimate at time of evaluation and is subject to change.

Additional resources

Solar Share Program

Interested in also supporting local solar energy? Check out our Solar Share Program.

What are we doing to protect the environment?

We’re dedicated to protecting the environment, while delivering reliable and safe energy to our customers.