DSM Advisory Group information

The DSM Advisory Group provides a platform for stakeholders to discuss topics related to our energy efficiency (EE) and demand-side management (DSM) initiatives for both existing and potentially new offerings. The group meets to share information, opinions and insight which foster a collaborative and proactive relationship between the Companies and their customers, specifically as it relates to EE. 

Topics typically discussed include, but are not limited to:

  • The design, development and viability of new, current, and/or expiring EE programming
  • Assessments of energy efficiency potential within the LG&E, KU, and ODP service territories
  • Stakeholder-specific comments concerning issues related to energy efficiency

For questions about DSM Advisory Group please contact us.

Below you will find a timeline of events for the DSM Advisory Group, as well as presentations and meeting minutes for past events.

Please use this form to submit program or measure suggestions to LG&E and KU’s DSM and Energy Efficiency team.

DSM Advisory Group timeline

LG&E and KU