Request more information about electric vehicles and charging stations
If you have questions or would like more information about electric vehicles and/or charging stations, please complete the request form.
If you have questions or would like more information about electric vehicles and/or charging stations, please complete the request form.
A resource for electric service guides, natural gas piping guides, Watt Finders guides, and interconnection guidelines.
Our app allows you to pay your bill, report an outage, view our outage map, view payment history, manage your account and more.
Energy efficiency programs, energy efficiency tips, renewable options and more.
We’re dedicated to protecting the environment, while delivering reliable and safe energy to our customers.
We’re integrating sustainability into every part of our operations and through customer partnerships.
Empowering customers' experience with more tools and features.
We offer safety tips and information to ensure you, your family members and friends, our employees and business partners remain safe each and every day. Also, find information about scams targeting utility customers and ways to ensure your information is safe and secure.
With our competitive electric rates, excellent reliability and business-friendly climate, there’s no question that Kentucky is the best place for business.
LG&E and KU and its Foundation have a steadfast and unwavering commitment to the communities they serve.
LG&E and KU Energy is an innovative, low-cost energy provider based in Louisville, Kentucky.
empowering Kentucky’s future through smart investments.
You will need to provide:
You will need to provide:
You will need to provide:
Now is a great time to get organized so your new place is safe, efficient and comfortable.
Important information about residential joint accounts.
A resource for electric service guides, natural gas piping guides, Watt Finders guides, and interconnection guidelines.
Our app allows you to pay your bill, report an outage, view our outage map, view payment history, manage your account and more.
If you suspect a natural gas leak, ALWAYS leave the area immediately.
Then call 911 and LG&E.
To contact LG&E, call 502-589-1444 or 800-331-7370 and press 1-1-1.
NEVER report a gas leak by email.