E.W. Brown solar facility sheep Q&A's

Why have sheep landed at E.W. Brown’s solar facility?

The E.W. Brown solar facility, which stretches across 50 acres, needs plenty of sun to be as efficient as possible, so vegetation can’t grow too high and needs to be maintained. In partnership with nearby Shaker Village, we are using sheep – instead of lawn mowers – to keep vegetation under control. 

The move is not only more environmentally friendly, but it will also save the company and its customers money long-term through offsetting the cost of using gas-powered lawn mowers to keep vegetation in check. Finally, using sheep to control vegetation is a safer option than using mowers and weed eaters beneath and around solar panels. 

How many sheep are on site?

What are some characteristics of the Shetland breed?

Why does Shaker Village choose to raise rare heritage breeds on their farm?

Do you employ organic farming practices?

What is the local impact to Kentucky?

Are the sheep sheared and what happens to their wool?

Are there dogs on-site to protect the sheep?