Opt in request

LG&E and KU customer meters are being upgraded.

As a part of our meter upgrade project, we are installing upgraded electric meters and gas modules at no additional cost to you. The meter exchange will only take a few minutes and you do not need to be present. The new advanced meters help you manage your energy use and allow us to offer new tools and services.

If you have previously declined an advanced meter – referred to as opt-out – but now wish to have your meter upgraded – referred to as opt-in – please complete the form below. This request for a meter upgrade will remove any advanced meter opt-out fees from future bills after the meter upgrade is complete.

We ask that you complete the entire form. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


  • Please help us complete your service request by providing access to any basement, cellar, or other inside area where the meter is located. If the meter is outside, please ensure your gate or fence is unlocked. In addition, please remove your pets from the area where the meter is located.
  • If the above requirements cannot be met, you must request an appointment for your meter upgrade to be completed safely.
Meter Upgrade Request: