Take a little stress off your monthly budget

Managing a monthly budget is always challenging – and in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, many of you may be facing even more challenges as a result of job loss or other financial issues. To help make your planning a bit easier, consider our Budget Payment Plan. The program will make your monthly utility bill more consistent, even though the weather can fluctuate from one extreme to the other in a month’s time. And that means managing your household finances will be less of a headache.

Sign up for the Budget Payment Plan, and we’ll calculate an initial monthly payment amount based on the average bill over the previous 12 months at your current address. During each 12-month period you are on the plan, your actual usage will be reviewed – based on your monthly meter readings – and compared to the initial monthly calculation, first at four months and again at eight months. If an adjustment is necessary at those times, you’ll be notified by a message on the back of your bill.

At the end of your 12-month budget year, we’ll review your actual usage and the payments you made over the course of the year. If your energy usage was less than estimated, you’ll receive a credit at the end of the 12-month period. If it is more, you’ll owe the difference on that month’s bill.

Typically, the months of April, May, September and October tend to be lower-energy-usage months, so they’re good times to sign up for the Budget Payment Plan. Visit lge-ku.com/budget to learn what your initial Budget Payment Plan amount will be, learn more about how the program works and/or get started.

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