Access to your meter can impact bill accuracy

To help ensure your monthly electric bill is accurate, it is vital that our meter readers have easy access to your meter.

For easy access, meters should have a minimum of six feet of clearance in the front and two feet of clearance on either side. They should not be obscured by plants or shrubs and should never be in crawl spaces or behind locked fences.

Being able to get to your meter at any time allows our technicians to not only get an accurate reading but also respond to emergencies (such as power outages), repair damaged equipment or deal with safety hazards. 24-hour access to meters is preferred, but they must be accessible between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If your meter is behind a locked gate and/or you have a pet – such as a dog – in the area, you can help our readers gain access by checking your bill, which tells you when your next reading is due. That information can help you provide easier access to your meter. You can find meter reading dates for the entire year when you sign in to your online account at

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