We’ve updated “My Notifications.” Re-enroll to take advantage of benefits.

Did you know you can sign up to receive notifications – by email, text and/or phone call – about your bill? No need to worry about having to remember when your monthly bill is due. In addition to choosing how to be notified, you also choose when to be notified about your bill – the day it’s ready for viewing, five days before your payment due date or one day after the due date (only if we haven’t received your payment by then).

In addition to billing notifications, you can sign up to be notified of service work and our technician’s status when work is scheduled on your property.

Please Note: While these options are still available to you, our notifications process has changed, and we are asking customers to re-enroll in My Notifications. Doing so will ensure your information is accurate in our system and you will not miss any important messages from us. In addition, new options are coming soon and will only be available if you re-enroll.

We continue to add options and features to My Notifications. Visit lge-ku.com/notifications today to re-enroll or to sign up for My Notifications.

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