Bathe in the knowledge of hot water safety

Hot water is an absolute necessity. We need it for washing our hands, doing the laundry and washing dishes, just to name a few everyday activities. And a nice hot shower or bath can be very relaxing. But there can be a downside … water that gets too hot is dangerous. Overdo it and you can get seriously burned. Here are some tips to help you enjoy hot water and its benefits safely.

  • 120 is the magic number – Do not set your water heater above 120 degrees Fahrenheit (be sure to check the temperature on your water heater). It only takes 2–3 seconds for a child to be scalded at a temperature of no more than 125 degrees. Consider fitting faucets and showerheads with an anti-scald device to prevent the water temperature from rising above 120 degrees. Bonus benefit: a lower water temperature will help you save on your monthly utility bill.
  • How to turn on and off – Cold water should always be turned on before hot water, and hot water should always be turned off before cold water.
  • Know your knobs – Are the faucets labeled correctly? Make sure they are what they say they are: Hot is hot, and cold is cold.

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