Thinking about rooftop solar for your home or business? Consider these tips

If you’ve seen an uptick in social media ads pitching rooftop solar and had questions as to whether roof top solar makes sense for you, you are not alone.  Solar is a whole new industry and it can be complicated and confusing.  Like with any major purchase, it pays to do your homework.

If you are considering installing solar on your home, be sure to keep these points in mind:

  • Get several quotes from qualified and reputable installers.
  • Consider all the costs – both the upfront and long-term expenses – incurred to install and maintain solar panels.
  • Review and understand how net metering will impact your bill.
  • Research ahead of time any necessary permitting requirements in your local area.
  • Check your local zoning and construction requirements, based on the type and size of your system.
  • Check if your home is in a deed-restricted area or you belong to a homeowners association that has regulations.

Before you start generating your own power, you must become a net-metering customer with us. Net-metering customers have a special net meter installed that keeps track of the excess electricity their systems generate and the electricity used from the distribution grid. To become a net-metering customer, visit us online at for step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

Exploring other renewable options? Consider supporting our Green Energy program. Just visit to see how our Green Energy program can be used to grow renewable electricity.

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