It’s time for holiday lights, but keep it safe

October 30, 2020

If you haven’t already, you might soon get the itch to get out the holiday lights and start decorating your house. There are few things more pleasing to see this time of year than the bright and colorful lights of the season. But as anxious as you might be to put them up, remember to keep safety top of mind. The main concern is the possibility of a fire. You can lower that risk by following some basic guidelines. 

  • No outlet overload – Use an extension cord or find an additional outlet. 
  • Line up for inspection – Check your light strands carefully to make sure they’re good to use. Replace any that have frayed wires, loose sockets or damaged connections. 
  • Not too many, please – Mind the manufacturer’s instructions for linking light strands. 
  • Take your time – Don’t rush when putting up the lights. Make sure they are secure so they’ll stay fastened when it’s windy or stormy. 
  • Lights need rest, too – Turn them out when you go to bed … or put them on a timer. And turn them out as well when you leave the house. 
  • Watch that ladder! – Carry your ladder parallel to the ground to avoid any overhead power lines. Be sure you are clear of any lines before standing it up. 

With the extra electricity usage holiday lights bring, you might want to consider using LED lights, which are more energy efficient.