Winter’s chill and your monthly bill: a story of efficiency

October 30, 2020

Here it comes: cold weather. Winter wind, snow and ice, temperatures in the teens. All you can think about is staying warm and doing so without driving your energy use through the roof or increasing your monthly bill. 

Well, we can’t control Mother Nature, but we do have a few suggestions to help you stay comfortable while keeping your energy usage at a manageable level. 

  • Open your curtains and blinds – let the sun in as much as you can during the cold-weather months. 
  • Block that cold air – caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows to seal up leaks. 
  • Get your furnace a physical – have a certified professional check out your furnace to make sure it’s ready for the job. And remember to change the filter per manufacturer’s recommendations. 
  • Lower your thermostat two (or more) degrees – keep your furnace from working overtime. Saving energy can save you money. 
  • Break out the winter wardrobe – throw on a sweater and some cozy socks. And while you’re at it, put an extra blanket on the bed. 
  • Insulate your home – make sure basement and exterior walls, the attic and crawl spaces are well-insulated. 
  • Limit use of space heaters – while using a space heater can make you feel cozy and warm, relying on a space heater for extended periods of time can significantly increase your energy usage. Never leave a space heater turned on while you sleep or are away from home. (This can save energy but is also important from a safety standpoint.) 

Go to for more energy-efficiency tips.