Safety first and foremost when using the fireplace

December 1, 2020

As the temperature plummets, one way to stay comfortable is to crank up the fireplace. To make sure you get to fully enjoy yours, keep these safety tips in mind: 

  • Have your fireplace inspected annually by a professional chimney sweep to make sure it’s good to go. 
  • Close the damper when the fireplace is not in use. 
  • NEVER use flammable liquids to start a fire. 
  • NEVER burn cardboard boxes, debris or any type of trash in the fireplace. 
  • NEVER leave a fire unattended. 
  • Build small fires that will burn completely and produce less smoke. 
  • Place the logs at the rear of the fireplace on a good supporting grate. 
  • Choose dense wood, such as oak, that has been split and stored in a high and dry place for at least six months. 
  • Use a mesh metal screen or glass doors to keep fire embers from escaping. 

It’s also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher nearby just in case.