Make sure your natural gas piping is the safest it can be

December 1, 2021

Preventing a natural gas leak – or a fire – is at the top of any safety list. If your home or business was built after 1990 – or you’ve had work done to the natural gas system that serves your home or business – it is likely that corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) was installed. You need to know if your home or building has CSST or if it’s properly installed, bonded and grounded. If lightning strikes a building with CSST that’s not properly installed and grounded, the lightning could travel through the gas piping and cause a leak. In some cases, a fire or explosion may occur.

Have a professional inspect your building or home for CSST if you are not able to do this yourself. If you find CSST, hire a licensed electrician to make sure it’s properly bonded and grounded. All types of natural gas pipes should always be properly maintained. Never hang clothes or other items from natural gas piping and do not allow children to play around the natural gas piping in your home or business.