Preparing for weather’s influence on your winter energy usage

December 27, 2021

Winter’s here, which means some extremely cold temperatures are likely – temperatures that can have a significant impact on your monthly bill. The frigid temperatures that normally come this time of year often mean turning up the thermostat and forcing your HVAC system to work harder than ever to heat your home and keep you comfortable. 

Visit to check out our Weather Calendar to get a clear picture of the variations in average temperature and how that can impact your energy usage and monthly bill during certain times of the year. 

Fortunately, there are a few easy things you can do this winter season to lower energy usage while staying warm and comfortable. 

  • Use caulk and weather stripping on windows and doors. 
  • Lower your thermostat by two degrees. 
  • Put an extra blanket or two on the bed. 
  • Wear a nice cozy sweater. 

Visit to see more energy-efficiency tips, including short, informative videos.