Many hands help make light(s) work

May 31, 2022

Streetlights and safety go hand-in-hand. Businesses, drivers, pedestrians and residents all rely on them to help make our communities safer. We regularly inspect our streetlights (some streetlights are owned and maintained by local governments or homeowners’ associations), but we also need your help. If you see a streetlight that is out or damaged, go to to report it as soon as you can. We’ll get the problem taken care of in just a few days.

Our crews perform streetlight maintenance during the day, so it’s very helpful to provide specific information about the light’s location to ensure they can find and fix the right one. When making a report, please include an address, pole number and/or a landmark so our technicians know exactly which streetlight they need to repair.

When NOT to contact us:

  • If the streetlight is located along a highway, report it to the state highway authorities.
  • If the light is in a business parking lot, let the business know it is out or damaged.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Let’s help each other keep the streetlights shining!