Our recycling program is generating millions in savings for customers

May 31, 2022

Recycling by-products of energy production is a key part of our company’s commitment to protecting the environment.

Coal combustion residuals (CCRs) are the materials left over after coal is burned to produce electricity – fly ash, bottom ash and gypsum. CCRs can be safely recycled and are used to make products such as concrete, cement, porcelain tile, etc. All the revenue generated from recycling these materials is returned to customers as a credit on their bills. Since 2016, that revenue totals more than $42 million. Last year alone that number was a record $15.6 million.

The beneficial use of these by-products results in another positive: Because less fly ash, bottom ash and gypsum are going into existing landfills at our plants, the lives of those landfills are extended.

Visit lge-ku.com/environmental/recycling to learn more about our recycling efforts.