Want to pay in cash?

September 21, 2023

More retail stores than ever now accept cash payments on our behalf. That means you can pay your monthly bill while at the store.

  • Option 1: Kroger® and Walmart® locations accept cash payments at the Customer Service desk. Look for the CheckFreePay sign and have your account number ready to make a payment. A $1.95 fee applies to each payment.
  • NEW! Option 2: Most CVS®*, Dollar General®, Family Dollar® and Walgreens™ stores near you now accept cash payments while you’re already in line. When you’re at the register, simply have the barcode on the back of your bill scanned and make a cash payment. Then your payment is on its way to us! Some retailers limit each payment to $500. A $1.95 fee applies to each payment.

To find locations nearest you, visit checkfreepay.com and click on “Find a Payment Location.” Then, type in your city under “Location Search,” type the name of your utility in the “Biller Search” field and click “Account Number” (Option 1) or “Barcode” (Option 2).

*Not valid in CVS Pharmacy® at Target® stores.