Tips to beat the heat and keep cool this summer

August 27, 2024

The extended forecast calls for continued high temperatures, so here are some friendly reminders on how to stay cool while managing energy usage. 

Steps to keep it comfortable

The weather and how we use energy are two major factors that can affect utility bills. These are steps you can take now to help beat the heat and keep comfortable during a heatwave.

  1. Be a fan-tastic friend: Put those fans to work to keep cool air moving throughout your home (just make sure your blades spin counterclockwise to help lift cool air up and out).
  2. Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable setting: Raising your thermostat setting by even one degree can save as much as 4-7 percent on the cooling portion of your energy bill.
  3. Become a curtain crusader: Close your blinds and curtains during the day to block that sneaky sunshine from heating up your home.
  4. Open and uncover vents: Be sure vents are open and clear, unblocked by furniture or other obstructions that could prevent air from circulating through your home.
  5. Keep it cool: Caulking and weatherstripping can help seal up air leaks and keep the cool air inside your home.
  6. Channel your inner grill master: Skip the hot oven and cook outdoors. It'll help prevent your A/C from working overtime and keep your kitchen cooler than the cold side of the pillow.
Important safety reminders
  1. Be a cool neighbor: Especially during heatwaves, it's important to check in on elderly or vulnerable neighbors with a quick phone call or visit to help prevent heat-related illnesses.
  2. Thirst things first: Stay hydrated – H2O is the way to go. Drink lots of water throughout the day and especially while outdoors.
  3. Follow heat-related guidance: Follow guidance from local emergency officials, and pay close attention to your local weather and updates from the National Weather Service.
  4. Don’t let your furry friend become a hot dog (or cat!): Ditch the walks when the sun’s scorching and keep a fresh bowl of cool water out at all times.

Bonus tip: You can also get a better idea of the temperature extremes that would most likely affect your bill by taking a look at our weather calendar at You'll be able to see the average daily temperature for each day in your general area and compare it to the average temperature on the same date the previous year. 

We understand customers can sometimes have difficulties paying their utility bills. If you need to establish a payment arrangement, we encourage you to contact us right away or use our self-serve options (mobile app, online My Account or automated phone system), which are available any time 24/7.

There also are a number of community agencies that provide assistance, and we encourage customers to take advantage of these programs. Visit for a list of local community partners in your area.

Want more easy ways to save energy year-round, but especially on the hottest summer days? Visit to learn more.