The following programs in the community can assist income-eligible customers who need help paying their utility bills during times of need.
Louisville Metro Community Action Partnership LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
502-574-1157 or
LIHEAP is a federally funded program to assist low-income households by offering seasonal financial assistance to prevent disconnection of utility service.
Financial Assistance Program
311 or 502-574-5000
Financial Assistance, a program of Louisville Metro Department of Community services, is designed to assist households that meet income and crisis criteria as defined in the policy. Assistance is provided in the basic areas of shelter and utilities to stabilize housing.
Community Winterhelp, Inc.
This nonprofit is made up of agencies that provide emergency heating assistance from January to April for low-income households in crisis that are without heat or are in immediate danger of being without heat. Customers' donations to the program are matched by LG&E year-round so more money is available for heating assistance. Persons seeking Winterhelp financial assistance may contact the community ministries in their area by visiting or by calling Metro United Way at 211 or 877-566-4968.
Community Ministries
There are area ministries in Louisville that serve residents in every local zip code. Each ministry offers some form of emergency financial assistance, such as help with rent, water bills and gas and electric bills. Visit for a map and contact information for each ministry.