Electric safety

With the flip of a switch, you can heat, cool and light your surroundings with electricity. It's so easy. When used properly, electricity is a safe energy source. Safe use of electricity can prevent fires in your home and injuries to your family. Here are some tips to follow when using electricity.

Indoor electric safety

Outdoor electric safety

During an outage

Pad-mounted transformers

Have you ever wondered what those ‘big green boxes’ are in your neighborhood and around your community?

If your electric service connection is underground, there's a good chance you have a ‘big green box,’ otherwise known as a pad-mounted transformer, near your home or business.

While overhead power lines are mounted on utility poles and substations are protected by security fences, pad-mounted transformers are at ground level. In many newer developments, power lines are buried, reducing potential system damage from high winds and severe storms.

Pad-mounted transformers are connected to primary high-voltage lines and reduce the voltage for secondary lines to distribute power to homes and businesses. While customers seldom see technicians working on pad-mounted transformers unless there are power outages, they are regularly inspected by our crews.

Although these transformers provide stable electricity service, they should be handled with care. To ensure the safety of all, follow these guidelines:

photo of a pad mounted transformer

Personal safety: No one, especially children, should touch, climb, sit or play on pad-mounted transformers.

Never let children play around pad transformers

Never dig or plant nearby: Underground wires from a transformer could stretch in any direction. Hitting one of these wires with a shovel could cause electrocution. You must contact Kentucky 811 (visit Kentucky 811.org or dial 811) at least two full business days (excluding the day of your request) to have underground utilities located and marked before you dig.

Never dig or plant near a pad transformer.

Don’t paint, cover or conceal. Resist the urge to bury or camouflage pad-mounted transformers. They should be accessible for maintenance or emergency situations. The green paint helps electrical workers identify the transformer as having live voltage inside and to use care.

Maintain distance: When possible, maintain a safe distance from pad-mounted transformers. Plant at least 10 feet away from the opening of the transformer for utility access. Plant at least three feet away from the sides of the box. In any case, you must contact 811 before you dig to mark the underground lines. The ‘big green box’ is grounded, so it’s safe to mow and trim vegetation that accumulates around the base of the box.

If planting, contact 811 before you dig. Then maintain a safe distance from pad-mounted transformers.

Respect the equipment: Pad-mounted transformers should only be accessed by trained and authorized LG&E personnel. Never attempt to open or tamper with the equipment. If you come across a transformer with an open, damaged, or absent lock, please contact LG&E at 502-589-1444. Advise others to not approach the transformer until a qualified technician arrives.

Contact LG&E at 502-589-1444 if you see a pad-mounted transformer with damage.

Potential signs of malfunction or hazard: Unusual loud noises or odd odors around transformers should be reported as it could indicate malfunctioning equipment. If you notice any oil leaks around a pad-mounted transformer, also report it. Transformer oil is flammable and can pose a fire hazard.

By following these tips, you can contribute to a safer environment while benefiting from the consistent and reliable power supply that these ‘big green boxes’ provide. If you have a safety concern regarding a pad-mounted transformer, please contact us at 502-589-1444.

Electric safety coloring pages for kids

Print out and color these Louie the Lightning Bug coloring sheets and learn about the important of being safe around electricity.