We know you depend on reliable electric service, and we recognize that power outages are an inconvenience to you. We cannot control Mother Nature, nor can we predict the consequences of any storm on our electric distribution system. Here are some things you can do if you experience a power outage.
Check to see if your neighbors are without power. If so, call us right away to report the outage.
LG&E Residential
502-589-1444 or 800-331-7370 (fast path 1-1-2)
KU/ODP Residential
800-981-0600 (fast path 1-1)
Turn off all major appliances.
This includes electric ranges, washers and dryers. Unplug sensitive electronic equipment such as entertainment devices, computers and charging stations. This reduces the electrical demand when power is restored and significantly reduces the chance of damage caused by electrical surges.
Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed.
Keeping the doors closed as much as possible will conserve the cold inside your refrigerator and freezer and keep your food fresher longer. You may want to put any medicine that needs to be refrigerated in a cooler with an ice pack.
Remember safety.
Stay away from all fallen wires and anything, such as a tree limb, that may be in contact with them. Camp stoves and charcoal grills should never be used indoors; they can produce deadly fumes. When using portable generators, always follow the manufacturer's instructions and operate the generator in a well-ventilated area.
Be prepared. Gather and store an outage kit.
Each kit should include the following items stored in a convenient place, ready to use if your power goes out. Be sure everyone in your family knows where the outage kit is located.
- A battery-powered radio and, if possible, a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
- A corded or cellular telephone since cordless telephones will not work if the power is out
- Flashlights for everyone in the family
- Over-the-counter and prescription medications
- A battery-operated lantern and extra fresh batteries
- A first aid kit
- Bottled water and an adequate supply of non-perishable food
- A manual can opener
- A list of emergency telephone numbers
- Fresh batteries for any devices
- Candles and matches
- Wind-up clock
- Food and supplies for pets
- Paper plates/plastic utensils
- Whistle (to signal for help)
- Plastic sheeting and duct tape
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties
- Baby items such as diapers, formula, etc.
- ABC type fire extinguisher