Solar Share help

Who is eligible for the Solar Share program?

The program is open to LG&E and KU residential, business and industrial electric customers, except for customers taking service under Rate Schedules RTS, FLS, LS, RLS, LE, TE, PSA, EVSE and EVC. Participation will be available on a first-come basis.

Who owns the Solar Share Facility?

Would my subscription ever expire?

How do I opt out of the program?

Is there a subscription limit?

If I move, could I still participate in Solar Share?

Why would my monthly bill be more if I subscribe to the Solar Share Program?

How can I find my customer rate type?

How can I decide what subscription level is right for me?

How do I read my bill?

How can I access my solar data?

How long is a subscription commitment?

How do I gift my shares?

If the customer I “gifted” my credits to moves outside of the service territory, can they transfer the credits to someone else?

If the customer I “gifted” my credits to moves to a new home, can they carry these credits with them?

If I choose to “gift” my shares to a nonprofit organization through one-time payment option, is this tax deductible?

What are the Solar Share program requirements?

When will I see changes on my bill?

If I choose the one-time payment option, when will I pay for my share(s)?

How do I avoid being taken advantage of by a solar scam?

Do I receive credits on my monthly bill based on my subscription?