WeCare Program

Lower your energy bill with efficiency upgrades at no additional cost for income-eligible customers.

couple sitting on balcony at apartment

WeCare for Homeowners and Renters

Available to renters and owners of single-family homes or buildings with fewer than 4 units.

WeCare is an education and weatherization program providing income-qualified customers with improvements to their homes at no additional cost. When you enroll in WeCare, qualified participants will receive a home energy audit report, and a representative may install items in your homes, such as:

  • LED bulbs
  • Thermostats
  • Energy-efficient water devices
  • Note: Doors and windows are not included

In some cases, weatherization products, such as insulation and duct sealing, may be installed.

man with arms folded in front of apartments

WeCare for Apartment Building Owners

Efficiency upgrades for property owners with income-eligible tenants.

Our WeCare program for Apartment Building Owners provides multifamily property managers and owners with a turnkey service to enhance the efficiency of their income-qualified buildings at no additional cost. When you enroll in WeCare, qualified participants will receive:

  • An energy audit report and education
  • Installation of energy-efficient measures, excluding doors and windows, in common areas and in occupied tenant units
  • Incentives of up to 50% of the incremental cost for whole-building projects 
Sign up through My Account Not set up in My Account? Access WeCare as a guest user
To contact LG&E by phone
502-589-1444, then fast path 1-5-1
To contact KU by phone
1-800-981-0600, then fast path 1-5-1

About the program

WeCare is a voluntary program designed to create savings through weatherization and energy education to help income-eligible customers in need. The WeCare Program helps provide a more efficient, safe and comfortable home. More importantly, it teaches our customers how to take more control over their energy usage – whether it’s through your own energy conservation efforts, or through the installation of energy-saving devices.

WeCare FAQs

Frequently asked questions and additional information.

Eligibility requirements

WeCare (for homeowners and renters)

LG&E and KU residential customers may be eligible to participate in this program based on meeting the following eligibility requirements.

  • The customer must have a minimum of one month of service with LG&E or KU.
  • The customer’s address must not have received these WeCare services within the last three years.
  • The customer must be currently receiving assistance from at least one federal or state income-based programs:
    • Low Income Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
    • Medicaid
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
    • HUD or Section 8 Voucher
    • Provide an explanation of another federal or state income-based program currently receiving assistance or confirmation of being at or below the federal income levels as determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Poverty Guidelines Computations
  • If the property is being rented, a property owner consent form must be received before services may begin.

WeCare (for apartment building owners)

LG&E and KU residential or general service apartment building owners may be eligible to participate in this program based on meeting the following eligibility requirements.

  • The customer must have a minimum of one month of service with LG&E or KU with an account for common area space within the property.
  • The building must have a minimum of 4 units.
  • At least 50% of the tenants within the property must be receiving assistance from at least one of the federal or state income-based programs that are based on income levels at or below 200% of the federal income levels as determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Poverty Guidelines Computations
  • A property owner may not request these WeCare services more than once in a three-year period.
  • The property owner is responsible for providing proper notice to each of the tenants regarding access to the occupied space for audit and potential energy efficient upgrades.

LG&E and KU Energy LLC reserves the right to revise program requirements and incentive levels at any time subject to approval of the Kentucky Public Service Commission. Incentives are subject to availability.