Getting ready to move? We’re ready to bring the power!

If you’re getting ready to move into a new home, congratulations! To ensure the lights turn on when you flip the switch in your new place, get your new service request to us at least three business days before the move.

As part of that request, we’ll need the primary account holder’s Social Security number as well as the Social Security number of any joint account holder(s), the address you are moving to and your contact information. Simply sign into My Account to provide the details on your move – you can submit this request even if you are moving into your new place and out of the old one on different dates. If you don’t have My Account, go to to submit your request.

And then after your move, please be sure your new meter is easily accessible, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. And help our technicians by keeping any dogs or other pets away from the meter area. On your bill, you will see a date range letting you know when our technicians will read your meter.

After you’ve settled into your new home, visit to download our “Welcome home” checklist.

If you are a business customer, your account will require a deposit and we will conduct a visual inspection of all meters on the property.

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