How does a consistent monthly bill sound?

When planning a monthly budget, the more items you have that are the same amount each month (e.g., car payment, mortgage payment), the easier it is to figure out your finances. Your monthly utility bill generally fluctuates month-to-month based on your energy usage related to the weather, the time of day, the time of year, etc. But here’s some good news: With our Budget Payment Plan, you can smooth out those ups and downs and know how much your bill will be each month.

Once you sign up, we simply calculate your estimated monthly payment using current energy costs combined with your actual energy usage from the previous 12 months. Your actual monthly usage will be compared to the estimate every four months. If your monthly payment needs to be adjusted as a result, we’ll let you know.

After 12 months on the Budget Payment Plan, you’ll receive a credit toward future bills if you used less energy than was anticipated. On the other hand, you’ll owe the difference on the next month’s bill if you used more.

You can sign up for the Budget Payment Plan anytime you like. Since May and June are typically lower energy usage months, now is a great time to get on the plan.

Visit to view an informational video about the Budget Payment Plan and sign up today.

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