Save energy without sacrificing comfort this summer

If you have ceiling fans, you already know they are a very energy-efficient way to help keep you cool without overworking your air conditioner during the hotter months. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can raise your thermostat by as much as four degrees and not lose any comfort when running your ceiling fan. And reducing the workload of your AC means less energy usage and more money in your pocket. One important factor to note: Ceiling fans only cool people, not rooms, so be sure to turn them off when you leave the room.

In the summer months, set your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise so that circulation of the cool air from your AC is maximized.

If you are shopping for a ceiling fan, we suggest looking for one that has the ENERGY STAR® label. A fan with that designation will use only about half the energy a fan without that label will use.

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