It’s simple: energy saved = money saved

Now more than ever, we can all use a little more change in our pockets. One easy way to cut down on monthly expenses is to reduce your energy usage. Here are some tips to help you save energy – and money – every month.

Keep rarely used appliances, devices or charging cables unplugged until they’re needed. Some electronic devices draw power even when they are not turned on.

Heating water uses the bulk of the energy during laundry loads, so use the cold-water cycles on your washing machine as often as possible. Also, always fill your washing machine. It takes the same amount of water – and energy – to run a full load as it does a partial load.

Turn ceiling fans off when leaving a room. And for maximum efficiency, fans should run clockwise in the winter and counterclockwise in the summer.

Wait until the dishwasher is full before running it. You’ll clean more dishes with the same amount of water and energy used. (Save even more by not rinsing dishes before placing them in the dishwater. This will save thousands of gallons of water over the dishwasher’s lifetime.)

Want to learn more ways to save energy in your home? Visit our energy-efficiency tips page for helpful tips and advice.

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