Viewers welcome to tune in for a “wooly” cool experience
(HARRODSBURG, Ky.) – Less than a year ago, LG&E and KU announced two, new earth friendly additions at its E.W. Brown universal solar array in Mercer County – a pollinator habitat and a flock of more than two dozen sheep. Now, the habitat is taking root, the sheep have begun to multiply, and the utilities are inviting interested viewers to tune in as they capture it all in real time on the company’s new live-streaming web cam.
Thanks to a partnership with nearby Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, the flock of sheep – which now includes Shetland, Katadhin and a healthy generation of lambs born just this spring – were originally added last year to help manage vegetation around the solar panels on a portion of the 50-acre solar site. After spending the winter months in the safety and warmth of shelter at Shaker Village, the newly expanded flock was transferred back to the solar site in March. With so much interest last year in the sheep and their role at the solar array, the utilities launched a new online camera to give viewers an inside look while the sheep return to work “mowing” grass during the spring and summer months.
“Similar to the popular Mill Creek falcon cam that viewers from more than 80 countries have watched over the years, the launch of our new sheep cam provides another look at our work to preserve and incorporate nature and sustainable efforts across our business,” said Aron Patrick, LG&E and KU manager of Technology Research and Analysis. “We hope they get just as much joy out of watching the sheep as we’ve gotten out of working to plan this project, put it in place and, now, watching it grow.”
A farm manager from Shaker Village manages the flock’s overall care, including any veterinary services. The farm manager also sheers the sheep and sells the wool to a local organic wool vendor. Proceeds from the sale of the wool support Shaker Village’s mission and lower the costs of maintenance associated with the sheep.
The sheep are currently grazing 10 acres of the site. The flock is expected to continue multiplying and will eventually grow large enough to maintain the entire solar farm property.
Visit to start watching.
Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company, part of the PPL Corporation (NYSE: PPL) family of companies, are regulated utilities that serve more than 1.3 million customers and have consistently ranked among the best companies for customer service in the United States. LG&E serves 332,000 natural gas and 425,000 electric customers in Louisville and 16 surrounding counties. KU serves 564,000 customers in 77 Kentucky counties and five counties in Virginia. More information is available at and

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