KU/ODP heating or cooling assistance programs

Cooling Assistance Programs for KU and ODP Customers

For KU households interested in seeking assistance for summer energy bills, now through Sept. 13, applications for energy assistance will be accepted on a first-come, first serve basis at all Kentucky Community Action Agencies until designated funds are depleted. If your household’s income is up to and including 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, you could qualify for a one-time electric benefit to help with home cooling cost. To apply, please visit your local Community Action Agency. To find your local office, call 800-456-3452 or visit www.capky.org/network.

For ODP households, the Virginia Energy Assistance Program (EAP) assists low-income households in meeting their immediate home energy needs. The EAP consists of four components: Fuel Assistance, Crisis Assistance, Cooling Assistance and Weatherization Assistance. Visit https://www.dss.virginia.gov/benefit/ea/ to learn more and apply

If you're faced with a KU/ODP bill that you think you won't be able to handle, or if your service has already been shut off for nonpayment, please contact us as soon as possible. You also can contact one of the agencies* listed below to see if you are eligible for assistance.

*KU/ODP does not determine who is eligible to receive assistance. Funding may be limited.

LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program)

LIHEAP is a federally funded program to assist low-income households by offering seasonal financial assistance to prevent disconnection of utility service.

Please select your city below to find an assistance agency.

Kentucky Assistance Agencies

Virginia Assistance Agencies


Check out these tips and tricks on how to seal up your home to keep the cool air out.

WeCare Program

One of our energy efficiency efforts – WeCare (Weatherization, Conservation Advice and Recycling Energy), is designed to create savings through weatherization and energy education to help customers in need.