My Meter for customers with gas service

person sitting on floor reading a book in front of a fireplace

Customers with upgraded gas metering equipment have access to My Meter available through My Account

An easy-to-use overlay window pops up when you click on View My Meter.

Choose from the menu of items on the overlay tiles or close the window and go directly to the Usage Dashboard.

View My Meter selection in My Account
My Meter - Overlay menu
My Meter gas usage dashboard screen

Our energies go to serving you and your safety is always first

For safety purposes, a technician will still need to visit your home or business for starting or stopping your gas service or for inspecting gas meters, even if your gas meter has an upgraded AMI gas module. 

If you suspect a natural gas leak

  • Leave the area immediately and get to a safe area where you cannot smell a natural gas odor.
  • Then call 911 and LG&E.
  • Call LG&E at 502-589-1444 or 800-331-7370 and press 1-1-1.
  • NEVER report a gas leak by email.