My Meter for customers with both gas and electric service

person at home reading a book on a bench next to a fireplace

Customers with upgraded advanced electric meters and gas metering equipment have access to My Meter available through My Account for both fuel types.

An easy-to-use overlay window pops up when you click on View My Meter.

Choose from the menu of items on the overlay tiles or close the window and go directly to the Usage Dashboard. A drop down on the left side of the dashboard allows you to view your electric or natural gas usage. 

View My Meter selection in My Account
My Meter - Overlay menu
My Meter select gas/electric screen

Connecting service just got more convenient.

Advanced electric meters make service requests easier by allowing remote turn-on and turn-off, so you don't need to wait for a utility truck to visit your home or business. There is no need to worry about unlocking gates or bringing your pets inside. These meters simplify routine services. However, gas customers still require a technician for starting, stopping, moving, or inspecting gas meters, as remote connection isn't available for gas.

Energy efficiency programs in Kentucky

Sign up for our energy efficiency programs and save money, energy and earn incentives!

If you suspect a natural gas leak:

  • Leave the area immediately and get to a safe area where you cannot smell a natural gas odor.
  • Then call 911 and LG&E.
  • Call LG&E at 502-589-1444 or 800-331-7370 and press 1-1-1.
  • NEVER report a gas leak by email.