Be on the lookout so you can keep the crook out

National Utility Scam Awareness Week is Nov. 15–19. As a proud member of Utilities United Against Scams, we are committed to helping protect you from the clever crooks who are constantly trying to steal your money. Here are some important things to remember to help keep you from being scammed. 

  • We NEVER contact you threatening to cut off your service if you don’t make a payment immediately. 
  • We NEVER ask for or demand your debit card or credit card information. 
  • We NEVER ask you to pay with a prepaid debit/gift card or a third-party payment app. 

If you are ever confronted with any of the above, someone is trying to scam you. Hang up and immediately report it to the police. If you’re ever in doubt about your bill or your account status, sign in to your online account at or call us anytime day or night and use our automated system – press 1-2-1 (business customers press 2-2-1) – to learn your account balance and payment due date. 

Visit to learn more.

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