Extreme heat and its potential impact on your monthly bill

The heat is on … and that could mean a significant jump in your monthly energy use. During the dog days of summer, your air conditioner is likely to run a lot more. Use these energy-efficiency tips to help you get the most bang for your energy buck.

  • Give that A/C some TLC: Have a professional inspect and tune up your air conditioner to improve its efficiency and ensure peak performance. Be sure to also check – and replace, if needed – your air filter every month.
  • “Throwing shade” can be a good thing: Keep curtains, drapes and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day to prevent the sun’s rays from heating your home.
  • Turn up the savings: Adjust your home’s thermostat up two degrees in the summer. Using a programmable thermostat can also help you save up to 10% in energy usage all year long.

To track temperature spikes that are most likely to have an impact on your monthly utility bill, check out our weather calendar at lge-ku.com/weather. You can see the average temperature for each day and the average temperature of that day the previous year for your general location.

Visit lge-ku.com/tips for even more ways to save this summer, including simple how-to videos featuring our employees.

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