Renewable win – Adding wind energy to the mix

The company has installed Kentucky’s first utility wind turbine in Mercer County. The 165-foot-tall wind turbine is part of the company’s growing Renewable Integration Research Facility at the E.W. Brown Generating Station.

Studying the integration of wind energy is important because it complements solar power, which is best in the summer and during the day. Wind, on the other hand, provides more power in the winter and at night.

While this wind turbine is not expected to produce a large amount of energy, data collected from the turbine will be important in determining the potential for wind to contribute to renewable energy production for the company in the future.

When the wind is blowing and the turbine is producing full power, it will be able to power up to 90 average Kentucky homes. Over the course of a year, the wind turbine is expected to produce 193 megawatt-hours, which is enough energy to power 16 average Kentucky homes for a year.

The wind turbine is the latest research project at the site, which is also home to Kentucky’s largest lithium-ion battery storage system, a microgrid and state-of-the-art 360-degree tracking solar panels. Learn more about our commitment to the earth.

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