What are those big green boxes?

Have you ever wondered what those big green boxes are in your neighborhood and around your community? If your electric service connection is underground, there’s a good chance you have a big green box, otherwise known as a pad-mounted transformer, near your home or business. In many newer developments, power lines are buried, reducing potential system damage from high winds and severe storms.

Although these transformers provide stable electricity service, they should be handled with care. Follow these guidelines:

  • No one – especially children – should touch, climb, sit or play on pad-mounted transformers.
  • Never dig or plant nearby as underground wires from a transformer could stretch in any direction. Hitting one of these wires with a shovel could cause electrocution. If you must dig, call 811 at least two full business days ahead of time (excluding the day of your request) to have underground utilities located and marked.
  • Pad-mounted transformers should only be accessed by trained and authorized personnel from our company. Never attempt to open or tamper with the equipment.
  • Report unusual loud noises or odd odors around transformers as they could indicate malfunctioning equipment. If you notice an oil leak around a pad-mounted transformer, also report it.

Learn more about safety guidelines on pad-mounted transformers and other electrical equipment.

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