Gas safety

If you suspect a natural gas leak, ALWAYS leave the area immediately. Then call 911 and LG&E.

To reach LG&E, CALL: 

If you suspect a natural gas leak:

  • Leave the area immediately and get to a safe area where you cannot smell a natural gas odor.
  • Then call 911 and LG&E.

LG&E will dispatch personnel to take necessary actions to minimize the impact of the situation.

  • Warn others to stay out of the area.
  • DO NOT light a match, turn light switches on or off, use a cell or home phone (until you leave the area of the suspected leak) or do anything to create a spark.
  • DO NOT attempt to extinguish any fire.
  • DO NOT attempt to operate any valves.

We use natural gas to heat our homes, produce hot water, cook our meals and dry our clothes. Natural gas is a wonderful energy source that is also environmentally friendly, but it can be hazardous if you are unfamiliar with how to use it safely.

LG&E delivers natural gas to more than 334,000 customers through an expansive system of transmission and distribution pipelines located throughout Kentucky.

LG&E continuously maintains and monitors more than 4,000 miles of distribution mains and nearly 400 miles of transmission pipelines.

Leak detection

Learn more about how to detect a gas leak, what to do if you suspect a gas leak and why it's important to call before you dig.

What is the process to restore a customer after a gas outage?

In order to safely restore gas service to our customers, our crews first have to shut off service to ALL affected homes and businesses, one-by-one, at each gas meter. After repairs to the affected line are completed, these crews will then re-pressurize the main gas lines.

Once that has happened, our crews will return to each of the homes and businesses to turn the service back on, relight the pilot lights, and ensure the customer’s service is working properly.

  1. First trip
    • Shut off gas service to customers
  2. Repressurize the affected system
  3. Second trip
    • Access appliances
    • Test customers' systems
    • Turn on and activate appliances

Gas appliances and connections

Learn about pilot lights, gas valves, ranges and appliance connections.

Carbon monoxide

If natural gas is burned without enough air, it may produce carbon monoxide which is a poisonous gas.

Know your gas lines

Learn about natural gas line responsibilities.

Natural gas safety information for kids

Children can become an e-SMARTkid. Becoming e-SMART means learning about natural gas, and how to use it safely and wisely.

Common questions about natural gas and 811

Have a question about natural gas or Kentucky 811? These videos answer the most common questions asked.

Call before you clear your sewer line

Is your sewer line blocked? It might be a cross bore.